No, no, not our first date ever (although that was great too), but our first date since Avery arrived. We feel really strongly that one of the best things we can give our kids are parents with a strong marriage. To maintain that, we know that we need occasional nights to ourselves to stay connected. With a baby, it seems that they days pass so quickly. Nate's at work or school and when he gets home, it's time for dinner, then feed the baby, play with the baby, give the baby a bath, feed baby again, and then time to get some much needed sleep. Don't get me wrong, we are absolutely loving spending all our time with Avery, and I'm a little bit embarrassed about how much I missed her in the four hours I was away from her today. However, it was really nice to not feel like we had to rush through dinner, or even better, eat with one hand while holding her with the other. We talked and laughed, and just enjoyed each other. We decided that we need to do it on a regular basis. Maybe not every week, but definitely 2-3 times a month. We feel really lucky to have my parents so close, and so willing to babysit!
On a side note, Avery had her one month check-up today, and she is doing wonderful. She is now 20.5 inches long, and is weighing in at a whopping 7lb 8oz. The doctor told us what we already know...she's perfect.
We hope that everyone is doing well and has a restful and relaxing weekend. Until next time...
N, B & A