Tuesday, June 5, 2007

1:43 AM

Having dreams is a funny thing. If I went back to my journals from ten, even five, years ago, I don't think I'm anywhere near where I hoped I would be. Life has this funny way of making a sharp left, just when you get comfortable using cruise control. Things don't go as expected, and it throws you, but sooner or later you make the necessary adjustments. The less you try and control things, the more you realize that life will happen anyway and you should just relax. Sure, there are times when you get lost in the darkness. But remember that it's only in the blackest of night that you see the stars that can guide you back home. You can't be afraid to make mistakes, because the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most.

In the end, I'm glad I didn't get everything I wished for...because now I have more than I ever could have imagined.


1 comment:

Monika said...

Brit and Nate! Great to see that you have a blog up and running. Now we'll get a chance to peak into the House of Rulis whenever we want! It was great seeing you at the wedding in Dallas! I hope you're both doing well and that you're having an enjoyable summer!
Take care, Monika :)