Hi all! We just got back from a wonderful long weekend with Nate's parents in Oregon. We haven't been up there since Avery was born and we were all very much looking forward to it. We left on Wednesday and after a short 2.5 hour flight

we were there. As soon as we got in, Avery was eager to try out the kneepads that Nana got her for crawling around on the tile floor
We went to bed early and got up on Thursday ready for Thanksgiving! First order of business was to show Avery the cows (daddy dressed her...)

Most of Thursday was spent most of the day cooking and relaxing. Avery LOVED her first Thanksgiving! Her favorites were turkey, rolls and of course, her own mini pumpkin pie!

On Friday, Nate got up early to go fishing with his dad, and us ladies lounged around the house. Later that night, the neighbors brought over their 8 week old daughter, McKenna. Avery loved her but couldn't understand why she didn't want to play!

Saturday we ran errands and then were eager to watch the OSU, U of O game (moment of silence please). Since Nana and Grandpa can't come to Las Vegas for Christmas, we celebrated at half-time! I have to say that Avery liked the wrapping paper just as much as the gifts

All three of us are very thankful for the gifts we received

Our last day there was the most special because Avery was dedicated in the church. Since we haven't found a home church here in Las Vegas, we decided that we would do it in Nate's parent's church so they could be there too. My mom made the most gorgious gown with the material from her wedding and Avery looked beautiful.

After the celebration we went back to the house to hang out before having to head to the airport. Nate and I assumed our regular positions on the couch to read while Avery played with Nana and Grandpa. (I have to admit that I've become somewhat addicted to this series and read nearly 1500 pages while there)

We all really enjoyed our visit and are looking forward to Nana and Grandpa visiting for Avery's 1st Birthday in March!
Nate and I are so thankful for our family, friends and most of all, our beautiful daughter. We hope that you all had a blessed holiday.