Wednesday, December 10, 2008

9 Months Old!

Today the little bug is officially 9 months old! She is growing bigger and stronger everyday, and some of her new favorite things are blowing raspberries, saying "dada" and "mama", and walking along all of the furniture. She had her well-check today and the doctor said she is doing great. She is officially weighing in at 16 lbs 12 oz and 27 inches long (15th and 30th percentile respectively). She small, but mighty. Avery also got her first dental exam today (well, kinda). We are happy to have our cousin Sara staying with us tonight, and since she's a year away from being a full-fledged dentist, she took a look. Avery's one tooth looks great :) Here are some pictures from the day (excuse the blurriness, it's hard to keep her still these days!).

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