Happy New Year everyone! We are back from NYC and luckily have the next six days to get stuff done before we go back to work. New York was great, here's a rundown of some of the highlights...
-We saw Wicked, which was hilarious. It's cleverly written, and the performances were awesome. I highly recommend seeing it if you ever get a chance.
-We ate at Gotham. Being major foodies, we were really looking forward to experiencing Alfred Portales cooking. I can honestly say that it was the best meal I have ever eaten, and Nate said that it is a close second to our Victoria & Albert's seven course experience. We have some pretty great restaurants here in Vegas, but it's something totally different to eat at a place where a James Beard award winning chef actually cooks in the kitchen on a daily basis.
-Jacques Torres, which recently got voted "Best Hot Chocolate in the World".
-Getting to go to dinner with Chris Crow and Wendy Batt.
The trip mainly focused on food and shopping. We took the subway all around the city, which was nice since I am getting tired so easily these days. We picked up some cute things for Avery and Nate bought me a new ring to wear since I'm too swollen to wear my wedding bands anymore.
Since we had been to New York a couple of times before, we skipped most of the touristy stuff we'd done before (Empire State Bldg., Times Square, etc.) and just enjoyed seeing new parts of the city.
I feel like I have so much to do in the next week. I know that once I go back to school on Monday, time will disappear. Avery will be here in a little over 10 weeks and I feel ready to have her but still unprepared. The nursery needs to be finished, we still have to take our childbirth class, register at the hospital, and interview pediatricians. I know it will all get done, but I can't help but stress a little.
Okay, I'm off to make a to-do list...making lists always helps me to feel better!