I must say that getting things checked off of a To-Do List is one of the most satisfying things in my life. Between Thursday and Friday, Nate and I got so much done, it's ridiculous. Here are just a few:
-Nate filled out and turned in his graduation application
-We took Chloe to the vet to get her shots
-We ordered the glider for Avery's room
-Seriously cleaned the house
Now, when I say cleaned, I don't just mean dusting and vacuuming. We spent nearly five hours getting the house "baby ready". Nate was so helpful and cleaned the whole bathroom and scrubbed the shower since I can't be near the cleaning chemicals.
After all of that, we decided to treat ourselves to a nice dinner. We got all dressed up and went to Spago (pic above). A few minutes into our starters, we noticed a girl sitting at a table in the back wearing sunglasses and a hooded sweatshirt. A few minutes later, when her food came, she took off the "disguise" and of course it was Paris Hilton. Let me just offer a word of advice to all of you celebrities out there...wearing ridiculously large sunglasses and a hood is not the best way to be discreet.
Well, with Christmas break winding down, I feel re-energized to take on the next ten weeks. New York was fantastic and having the last five days to be home with Nate have been wonderful. Getting bigger, I have started to get a little uncomfortable, and I know that being on my feet all day at school won't help, but getting to meet my little girl in less that three months will be so worth it. And I must say, I am really looking forward to being home with her for six weeks.
Okay, that's all for now. We are blessed to be going to the wedding of two of our friends this evening and I want to sneak in a afternoon nap :)
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