Tomorrow is Brittany's last day as a teacher (and yes we will be throwing her a retirement party to celebrate) after which she gets to spend each and every day with our little bundle of joy. Thankfully, since Brittany will be taking care of Avery we do not have to worry about putting her in daycare, but I found this picture on another blog and now we know that if Brittany does go back to work in the future at least we know how to take care of Avery while we are at work ...
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HAHAHA! Just Kidding!!! But does anyone else wonder what sort of crazy child-rearing the Myers' are up to in Seattle?
(** Legal Disclaimer - baby featured in the photo is NOT Evey Myers. Any resemblance to Evey Myers is entirely unintentional and merely by happenstance. The Rulis family is not suggesting in any way that the Myers family would ever duct-tape their child to the wall; no matter how sweet it might be.**)
That picture is hysterical! I can't imagine Brittany ever wanting to let Avery go long enough to tape her to a wall. :) I'm so glad everything worked out and she gets to be at home mommy. Congratulations to you both!
Duct tape = dad's best friend. Besides, the kid looks pretty content to me. Perhaps due to the soothing effect of a lead-based substance permeating her skin? And the "ducked"-taped stuffed animal is a nice touch. Cheeky.
Maybe I'll revisit this idea ten or fifteen years from now...why ground your teenager when you can "wall" her?
Cheers, Rulis family. And congrats, Brittany! (and Nate, on graduation)
Avery is so beautiful! Congratulations on retirement. You're going to love staying at home. Elle is only 3 weeks old so I'm still confined to the house. However, in 3 weeks we should definitely set up playdate. Oh yeah, regarding midnight feedings, I don't think I could ever miss them. I'm can't wait to sleep a few hours in a row.
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