Well, Nate and I have had a busy weekend. Thursday night I ended up in the ER after having some pretty severe chest pain and shortness of breath for most of the afternoon. After a whole lot of test, and a rather patronizing doctor, everything checked out okay with both me and Avery. Nate was such a trooper sitting by my side for 5 hours in the hospital. I guess it'll be good practice for when it comes time for Avery to arrive. At any rate, I'm hoping that the trips to the hospital will be limited to childbirth classes from now on. I took Friday off of work to rest and because I had to go into my OBs office in the morning for a non-stress test. It's basically just laying around while they monitor the baby's heartbeat, movement, and any contractions. After the night before, it was really nice to have the day to relax.
My whole pregnancy I've had the dilemna of whether or not to get "maternity photos" taken. On one hand, we have an amazing photographer that would take awesome pictures. One the other hand, do we really want to spend $$$ on pictures that would just get put in an album and most people would never see. So, Nate and I came up with a compromise. We borrowed my mom's hi-tec camera and set up a little shoot in our office. Nate took some great pictures, and then I used my new-found abilities in Photoshop to touch them up. They're not even close to being done yet, but I've included a couple of examples for you to see. Any feedback is much appreciated!
My whole pregnancy I've had the dilemna of whether or not to get "maternity photos" taken. On one hand, we have an amazing photographer that would take awesome pictures. One the other hand, do we really want to spend $$$ on pictures that would just get put in an album and most people would never see. So, Nate and I came up with a compromise. We borrowed my mom's hi-tec camera and set up a little shoot in our office. Nate took some great pictures, and then I used my new-found abilities in Photoshop to touch them up. They're not even close to being done yet, but I've included a couple of examples for you to see. Any feedback is much appreciated!
Who needs a photographer? Nice job guys! I think your stomach shot could use a companion shot of Nate's stomach too...with a teal bow perhaps?
I'm impressed! I thought those were from a hired photographer. In Lubbock Joel and I saw a shot where the husband was cupping the woman's bare chest while her pregnant belly was exposed. It was so wrong. Even worse it was blown up and plastered on the wall at this photographer's studio. Goo.
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