Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A riddle for you...

What does high blood pressure and having a stressful job get you? Drum roll please....

Bed Rest!

Yup, after having the third straight day of high blood pressure results at my doctor's office, I have been officially put on bed rest. There is a possibility that if my blood pressure goes down by Friday, I might be able to go back next week, but it's not looking good. I'm actually in the middle of a 24 hour urine collection (good times) to test for too much protein. If that comes back positive, then I will be diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, which is pretty dangerous for the mom, but poses no risk for the baby. Unfortunately, the only cure is to deliver the baby, so Avery may be making an early debut. Right now, we're just praying and keeping our fingers crossed that my test results come back negative. 

So, the hardest thing right now will be staying off my feet when I feel like there's so much to do to finish getting ready for Avery. In reality, everything is done; nursery's set up, hospital bag is packed, car seat is installed, but there are little odds and ends things that I want to finish. The other hardest thing is letting go of school. I tend to be a stress case, even though I know that I've done everything I can to prepare, and now I just have to let it go. 

Well, that's the update from the House of Rulis. We hope that you and your families are well! 


1 comment:

"Alice" said...

Oh Brit! I hope everything comes out ok! Teaching is such a stressful job, I mean it's great, but really stressful. Hopefully, everything will calm down now that you are able to be at home and relax. Can you get out of bed at all? Let me know if I can do anything at all.