Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our First Family Photos

Hi everyone, 

Nate, Avery and I went to our wedding photographer on Tuesday to get some pictures done. Of course, we wanted pictures of Avery, but we also wanted to get our first family photos. The proofs are up and I thought you might want to check them out. We think they're pretty great.


go to
click on "client login"
the event ID is "AveryR"

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our First Date

No, no, not our first date ever (although that was great too), but our first date since Avery arrived. We feel really strongly that one of the best things we can give our kids are parents with a strong marriage. To maintain that, we know that we need occasional nights to ourselves to stay connected. With a baby, it seems that they days pass so quickly. Nate's at work or school and when he gets home, it's time for dinner, then feed the baby, play with the baby, give the baby a bath, feed baby again, and then time to get some much needed sleep. Don't get me wrong, we are absolutely loving spending all our time with Avery, and I'm a little bit embarrassed about how much I missed her in the four hours I was away from her today. However, it was really nice to not feel like we had to rush through dinner, or even better, eat with one hand while holding her with the other. We talked and laughed, and just enjoyed each other. We decided that we need to do it on a regular basis. Maybe not every week, but definitely 2-3 times a month. We feel really lucky to have my parents so close, and so willing to babysit!

On a side note, Avery had her one month check-up today, and she is doing wonderful. She is now 20.5 inches long, and is weighing in at a whopping 7lb 8oz. The doctor told us what we already know...she's perfect. 

We hope that everyone is doing well and has a restful and relaxing weekend. Until next time...

N, B & A

Thursday, April 10, 2008

One month old today!

Avery is officially one month old today! She has gone through a lot in her short time here, but she has proven what a strong little lady she is. She has her one month check-up tomorrow, and we're excited to see how much weight she's gained. As of last weekend, she was 7 lb. 5 oz.! Avery's getting bigger everyday and it has been the biggest thrill of our lives to watch her as she grows. She does new things all the time, and her latest is to stick her tongue back out at you when you do it to her.

Stay tuned for new pictures!

Love, N, B & A

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Getting better

Hi friends,

We are still in the hospital (6 days and counting), but it looks like Avery has taken a turn for the better. She been off of oxygen for 2 1/2 hours (knock on wood), and hasn't dropped at all. If she continues to do this well, it looks like we will be able to go home in the morning. So keep your fingers crossed and throw up a prayer if you have a minute.

We also wanted to say how incredibly appreciative we are for all of the phone calls and emails, and especially for those of you that have come to visit and brought much needed non-hospital food. We feel very blessed to have such amazing friends and family, and Avery will be lucky to grow up being loved by so many people.

More updates to come, hopefully the next one saying that we are safely back at home.

Love, N, B & A

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Quick Update

Hey everybody, we just wanted to share the latest. It is somewhat good news - because Avery is improving. She's getting better, albeit very slowly. The nurse checked her oxygen levels while off the supplemental oxygen earlier this afternoon and she was doing considerably better than in previous checks, so it looks like Avery is getting over this junk. Fingers crossed that she continues to get better & better. We're hoping that we get to go home in the next couple of days. Thanks again for all of your prayers.

N, B & A

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Coming to You LIVE from the Hospital!

Hey everybody, we just wanted to take a minute and give you an update ... We have spent the last 30 some odd hours at Sunrise Hospital because Avery was having trouble breathing on her own. For those of you not familiar with RSV - it is a respiratory virus (thus the R & the V) that causes lots of mucus to build up in the sinuses and even the lungs. Therefore it is a common side effect of RSV for babies to have difficulty breathing. Anyway after a battery of tests (and at this point we'd like to point out what a brave little toaster Avery has been through everything!) the doctors have ruled out just about any other possible problems, so we are thankful that we know what we are dealing with. Unfortunately there really is nothing that you can do other than wait the congestion out, which means we may be in the hospital for a bit longer.

We also just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your prayers, the support has been overwhelming and VERY much appreciated... and please we gladly accept continued prayers for Avery's quick recovery.

N, B & A