Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm not supermom

Yep, that's right, I'm not supermom. And a year and a half ago it would have pained me to say that. When Avery first came I wanted to do do everything on my own. I mean, that's what is supposed to happen, right? Wrong. Ever heard the phrase "it takes a village"? There's a reason that nearly every other culture in the world values the involvement of family and friends in the raising of children...because it works. I am blessed more than most with the "village" I have be given. From my parents, to Nate's parents, to siblings, aunts & uncles, cousins and friends. Avery is the most loved kid I know. I expect all of these people to be teachers, disciplinarians, confidants and caregivers. By loving her they have chosen a partial responsibility for her. Aside from having tons of people around who love her, I benefit by have people to teach me how to be a mom. I mean, how else am I supposed to learn? They show me different parenting styles, and from that, Nate and I can form our own individual way to train up our children.

Another benefit of having a "village" is knowing that I don't have to do it all myself. If I'm exhausted and Avery is being especially trying, I can call my mom and she'll give me a much needed break. When Nate and I are in desperate need of a date night, my cousin is always up for baby-sitting. These things keep me recharged as a mom and allow me to be better for Avery.

I look forward to being part of other people's villages. To share my limited knowledge and offer some relief. Remember, we're not meant to be supermoms.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cause Nate + Brittany + Avery = 4

HOORAY!!!! The House of Rulis is expanding! A few days shy of our 5-year wedding anniversary we are due to become a family of four. It's early yet and we have resolved (we'll see how long it lasts) not to find out the sex of the baby, but we can say that we are absolutely ecstatic for our little family to be growing.

We welcome any and ALL prayers - especially for Brittany.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kyle + Jill = Maried

This past week we were able to go up and visit Nate's parent's in Oregon. It was so nice to get away for 10 days and just relax. The biggest reason for our trip wasn't just to rest, though, but to get Nate's brother Kyle married off. The wedding took place at a beautiful hotel in Oregon called the Alison Inn. I definitely recommend it if you're ever in the area. Nate was honored to be best man and Avery made the cutest flower girl you've ever seen. Here are some pictures from the weekend: