Monday, February 9, 2009

A Fantastic Weekend and a Horrible Night

This past weekend we went up to Park City with my mom, sister, aunt and cousin. The goal was to ski and relax and we were successful at both. Unfortunately, they didn't have boots and skis small enough for Avery, so she was limited to just playing in the snow. Nate and I enjoyed two days on the slopes, which was great. We can't wait until Avery's big enough to go with us next year. After a long drive home we were excited to have a relaxing night before the Monday craziness. Well, Avery had different plans. Not 20 minutes after we got home, Avery was walking around and fell against the couch. She split her eyebrow open and we spend the rest of the night in the ER. Luckily, she didn't need stitches, they just glued it closed. The doctor said it should heal great, and hopefully won't have much of a scar. Needless to say, I was a wreck and nearly passed out, while Nate was the calm, sensible one. Thank goodness I wasn't here alone. I'm now even more of a basket-case. I'm so paranoid about her falling again, or even just bumping into things. I mean, she's a pretty good walker, but most of the time looks like a drunken sailor. It's the worst feeling in the world that no matter what you do, you can't protect her from everything. Anyway, here's are some of the better pictures of the weekend:

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