Tuesday, September 4, 2007


As some of you may have surmised from the title of this post we are, in fact, going to be having a bouncing baby of our own. Brittany is currently in her 11th week which means, the baby is size of small plum, but infinitely better than any piece of fruit!!! For those of you trying to figure out when that means the baby will be due ... it is the End of March (approximately the 28th). We are a jumble of excited yet nervous and overjoyed. Brittany has her good days and her nauseous ones, but she is amazing. To add to the pregnancy she has also started her career as a third grade teacher. Where she finds the energy to deal with 35 eight-year-olds for an entire day is beyond me. I just hope that this law school thing will work out and support the both of us, cause she's going to deserve some serious time off. More updates to come soon.

- Nate

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