Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Avery's 6 Months Old!!

Today is Avery's Half-Birthday and we celebrated by going to class at Gymboree, a trip to Baby's R Us, and a picnic at the park for her first time on the swings! It's amazing how quickly the last 6 months have gone and how big Aves has grown. She doesn't go to the doctor until next week, but we're estimating her weight to be about 15lbs. and her height to be about 25 inches. She is sitting up all by herself, rocking on all fours and even scooting backwards. She LOVES sweet potatoes and her two bottom teeth should pop through any day now. The last 6 months have definitely been the best of our lives, but we know that we have even more exciting days to come. Here are some pictures of our day and the ones at the bottom are so you can see just how far she's come.


jill_hoff said...

Soooooo cute!!! Happy half birthday Avery!!! I'm glad you guys had such a great day! I can't wait to see all of you in November!!! Love~Jill

Mark & Christyn said...

Seriously you guys are killing us with these are making us want to have a baby now!! Even though it may be a little while before we have one...we hope you will give our baby lessons on how to smile in pictures like Avery always does!! Miss you guys!