Sunday, May 10, 2009

What a Great Weekend!

This was one of those weekends that was filled with fun and friends. It all started on Friday when Nate got off work at noon to join us at Avery's swim lesson and lunch. Friday night we went scored tickets to the Jason Mraz/Dave Matthews Band tickets. My mom's cousin drives their tour bus and was nice enough to hook us up with some awesome seats and all access passes. Saturday night was Bachelor and Bachelorette parties for our friends Josh and Jessica. A good time was definitely had by all, however, since we were sworn to secrecy, I can't give any more details than that :)

Today I was blessed to be able to sleep in and then wake up to a clean house and clean laundry, and then went to brunch with my family to celebrate Mother's Day. I'm truly lucky to have such a thoughtful husband. 

I hope that all the other moms out there had a wonderful day and were told how special they are. Here are some photos from the weekend:

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